Date Night Denim: A Guide

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. What are you going to wear?
V Day – or any date night for that matter – can be fraught with indecision and anxiety. You want to feel comfortable, look polished and put together – but not overdressed.
Jeans may be the answer, allowing you to style them up or down – and not appear to be trying too hard. “They’re a flexible, neutral base,’’ says stylist Caroline Alexander, a co-owner at Montreal’s Ludique agency. “They have that cool, effortless chic.”
That said, with jeans as the neutral base, you want the rest of your outfit to say something about who you are, Alexander says. A fitted cashmere sweater, sharp blazer, flirty blouse or high heel are always options. Comfort is paramount. “Make sure your jeans fit!” Alexander says. Wear heels only if you can easily walk in them. And see your seamstress: the right length for your footwear is important, too.
Alexander offers more advice on how to present yourself on date night: For a fancier look, wear a dark or coated denim, or a wider dark flare. Avoid distressed or ripped denim. For your husband or lover, wear the jeans that turn him on.To seduce (and pretty much generally), wear jeans that flatter your body.
Wear a flattering colour top. Inject a touch of Valentine’s Day red. “Less can be more,’’ Alexander says. A red blouse can be nice; but so can a print with red hearts or flowers. Accessories – shoes, bag, scarf, nail polish – can do the job or carry the theme nicely. Red jeans, she points out, are not for everybody. And red with black can be harsh – blue jeans might be better, she says.Remember that there’s not just one red: if you have olive-toned skin, choose a warm red. Bluer reds complement pinky, cool complexions.Might this be the night for him to get down on one knee and pop the question? Get a manicure and wear waterproof mascara!
We asked two popular blogger/influencers to style themselves up for Valentine’s Day.
Joëlle Paquette (@VeryJoelle) chose the Emily Slim Yoga Jeans in Mindful paired with a sparkly vintage top and gold chain belt.
Relationship status: Engaged
Plans: Joëlle is returning from a two-week trip on Feb. 14, so she expects the evening will be a nice opportunity to have a quiet dinner at home with her boyfriend, with a nice bottle of wine.
Surprises? Maybe flowers, she says.
Valentine’s Day thoughts: “I’ll be more conscious of the people I love, not just my boyfriend. It’s something we should celebrate all year round.”
Why jeans? “I’m not a big dress fan. So jeans and comfort are big priorities.” The sparkly top and gold belt bring it all together, she says.
That touch of red: Lipstick!
Lolitta Dandoy (@LolittaDandoy)went for the wide Lily Yoga Jean in Movement, paired with a red vintage blouse (from her mom!) and red mules from Le Château.
Relationship: Married with a new baby.
Plans: Lolitta’s ideal date has always been a long, intimate dinner, giving her and hubby an opportunity to sit down and talk, appreciate each other’s company.“It’s the first time we have a family Valentine’s Day. So instead of dinner, this year we might go to brunch.”
Surprises? “You never know!”
Valentine’s Day thoughts: “I love Valentine’s Day. It’s a commercial holiday but at the same time, how can we not like a day to celebrate love?“This is our 24th Valentine’s Day together. We’ve always celebrated. These little things matter.”
Why jeans? “Jeans are just a staple,’’ she says, adding that the way you style them is key.
That touch of red: “I’m a thematic person. If there’s a theme I follow it.”